Monday, June 27, 2011


I now understand why I haven't been "big" into creating cupcakes before: they are so messy!  Next time, and there will be next times, I need to just enter into the kitchen with a mentality of becoming "in sync" with the dough...with the recipe...because it's going to get all over anyways.

So, like I mentioned, I followed the recipe for Banana Cupcakes from that book.  I, um, accidentally put in a cup of buttermilk instead of 1/3 C...therefore I added 2/3 C more flour and 1/2 teaspoon more vanilla than what the recipe requested.  Did this help?  I don't know...

I am finishing this blog post several days later than the above typage.  Yes.  The Banana Cupcakes did turn out very good.  I mean, kind of plain, but "nice".  Yeah, about the frosting...didn't get to that.  And about giving these cupcakes to those who were baptized at my work...didn't get to that either.  No, instead, my family and I have been eating them.  On their own.  So one could either take this as lazy, selfish, inconsiderate.  Or one could take this as: banana cupcakes can be successful and perhaps those who got baptized may just have a delicious surprise (Jo Dee Messina has a song "Delicious Surprise", right?) in their future- much less delicious than salvation, however.  I'm choosing the latter.  We can talk more about food later.  Right now, I got home from work, and an hour later, I'm full of food.

I tagged along with one of my sisters to a church in Chicago last night.  The church is called, Missio Dei.  I find it to be a wonderful church.  Last night the Pastor spoke from the Biblical book of, Joshua.  He taught on how to be the Church and to have character like Joshua.  As I reflect on my notes of the service, I notice that the last point on how to be like the church is to put away foreign gods.  This specifically sticks out to me because a sister of mine checked out books on Wicca and I flipped through it, read some things, and I can see the appeal for it.  But the attraction to worshiping nature or the goddess we can each be, is a foreign god.

Moreover, I read Joshua 3:5.  Joshua is telling the Israelites to purify themselves for the following day the Lord is going to perform "great wonders" for them!  The Holy Spirit, I would like to say, highlighted this verse to me.  I am practicing a faith that trust that God is going to perform  (and He has performed) great wonders for me!  Therefore, I must be pure!  Out of respect for this G*D who was and is and is yet to come- He will...He does provide for me!!  So what ways can I be pure?
My eyes.  ears.  my MOUTH (it makes sense why cursing feels good.  sinning feels good.) touch (not in anger or in lust or other).

These are just some of my thoughts.  I'm going to go- I look forward to another time. 
Kisses :*,
Miss Rae

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