Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I completed my first duathlon last Sunday, July 10th at a little before 2 hours.  The race officially began at 6:30am.  My results:

71   478 Kyla Kindle  Hoffman Estates  15  F 
51   24:53  8:02    1:20  103 1:03:22 14.2  1:14   52   27:16  8:48 
Ha, whatever that means, right?  ;-)  I signed up for this race, semi-impulsively, when I picked a young 
gentleman up at a tennis/recreation center and I saw a sign for a Duathlon/Triathlon.  "Well, I'm not a 
fast swimmer, but running and biking...I could try this." 
*hey, side note; ever hear of Shawn McDonald?  I don't remember how I came across him, but the Holy 
Spirit works through him to make some really great music.  And he shares his testimony on his site, 
which is always a good thing to hear. :-)
here: http://www.shawnmcdonaldmusic.com/journal#/bio
Moreover, I signed up for this race and also completed it for my "21 b4 21" list.  I should share 
that another time. ANYWAYS, I think I just want to say that I was very intimidated when I arrived 
on the scene.  My mom, who was so thoughtful and encouraging the whole time, came with me. 
She dropped me off at the site and I walked my bike and I to the event.  It turns out real race bikes
don'thave kickstands...my cool bike does.  :-)  My mother claims to have seen people like me, who 
were doing the race as a first-timer, and who were also clueless, but it seemed to me that I was the most
awkward one there.  Haha!  No, really, it's okay to laugh.  :-)  Anyways, I'm really glad I did this and it 
was because of the encouragement I received from my friends at work the night before the race when 
I questioned if I should just sleep-in that day (;]), my mama who is like a mother bear, and because of 
God and how He wasgracious enough to complete the race with me!  It was a really cool experience-
I recommend it! 
Here are some goofy pictures. 
 woooooo, only the last 5k to go!
 yes, I have padded spandex on.

 I'm kind of a fruit cake.

thanks mom, for the photo shoot of your sweaty kid  ;-) 
Signing-off with Pslam 34 (did you know that David, from the Bible, pretended to be insane?
  huh, I wonder what that looked like),
Miss Rae :* 

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