"Even though I hate to admit it, sometimes I smoke cigarettes. Christian folk say I should quit it, but I just smile and say, "God Bless..." (Miranda Lambert's song, Heart Like Mine)
I first heard this song and I loved it. It was a season when my two favorite songs were this one and another by Sugarland, "Little Miss". It's kind of quirky- Heart Like Mine is kind of nothing like me, however once I heard and saw the music video to Miranda Lambert's Kerosene, I liked her! I wanted to be her, probably because she is everything I am not.
Hey!, so what I was saying was that I love singing the song and even mentally pretending that Heart Like Mine applies to me and yeah, it's pretty silly. However, I bought my first pack of cigarettes yesterday at a 7-Eleven. And you know what? I am unable to not think of the chorus, "Cancer stick, cancer stick- you're putting a cancer stick to your mouthhhh! Ah, Kyla! You're going to get lip cancer, tongue cancer, and then finger cancer!" out of my mind, as I take one. And I fail at lighting the stick! Today, it was me & God, sitting down on a bike path and to raise the drama, I told myself I'm smoking! But it didn't light. Humility! Hello? Ha!
Putting aside the thoughts that consume my mind for a moment, before the end of this summer, I would like to make homemade wine, homemade bread, and make my dad "Beef Stroganoff (sp)" again.
Huh. And about the Homemade Wine idea- this website intimidates me. I kind of thought I'd buy grapes, mash them up, let them ferment, and add sugar. Is this now how it goes? http://www.greathomemadewine.ca/hw/Equipment.html What's this air cap I need?
I think I'll follow this nice-looking woman on the bread: http://ilovemy5kids.blogspot.com/2011/07/easy-homemade-bread-without-bread.html.
Miss Rae
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