Forks Over Knives, a film produced by Virgil Films is a very convincing, educational, and beneficial movie to watch.
You know, from personal experience, I know about food and anxiety. Yuck, uck, uck! Food has caused me so much anxiety! And...just knowing, that God created this stuff, this food that science is now proving is best for us, for humans in every single way, points to our Creator and His care for us, His total knowledge, and the fact that in every way, us humans will come back to Him.
I might be able to talk more about food anxieties later--not that most other Americans have not experienced them. I'm one of the many people who have struggled/struggle with eating disorders, but God's way doesn't bring upon eating disorders or anxiety. And the best part is that God's provision with food, doesn't condemn me or tell me that there is something way wrong with me, etc, but it's that God has provided. Everything I need.
It makes sense. awful would it be to practice a vegan lifestyle? How awful would it be to live without meat and dairy? I will miss Greek yogurt, but that's okay. and eggs, I'll miss eggs. And ice cream.
I can't think about the above. I'll just have to watch the movie again....
Seriously! Take note of this! God provides--He already has provided, eh? (I'm not saying other food/meat/etc. isn't totally tasty and that I won't eat it. I'm not saying the switch and "saying no" won't be difficult. I'm just saying, you and me both, siblings, it's probably worth it!)
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