Saturday, March 31, 2012

What is Acting?

hmm.  Sometimes I love thoughts.  I love questions with no answers.  Sometimes Philosophy, sometimes no Philosophy.  I ask, what is acting?  And that's really more simple of a question than I intended for it to be.  "Acting", in my words, is simply portraying emotions and identities that are  intentional, deliberate, to move along a story.  I'm sure there are just about 200 ways to say this.  And I'm sure someone, nay many people, would tell me I said it wrong- WHATEVER!

Last year, while studying at North Park University, I was in a class called, "Ethics & Art".  It was a really good class, really interesting.  My professor was legit.  We read, Master and the Margarita--such a fascinating novel when studied in a class.  Within this class of ethics and art many great and annoying questions arose like; What is art?  What is the point of acting?  Why perform?  Why....[insert a question here that often feels pointless].  This same semester I took an Intro to Acting class by Dr. Bergman--awesome class.  Awesome.

I need to cut to my drift.  ;)  I watched Fear last night, one of Reese Witherspoon's first movies and Mark Wahlberg is in it too.  (Ladies, you will think twice about how foxy Mark is after watching this movie).  It was on TV and I was house-sitting, kind of, anyways the movie was on and since I am a developing actor myself, I thought it would be a good experience to see one of Reese's first hits!  It was slightly traumatizing.  Oh, Margo. <3  Ughhhh.  But after any story, I ask, what was the point?  Why was that film made, that production paid for and worked for?  

What was the point of producing the film, Fear?  I think what I may have taken the most away from this novel is that protective, embarrassing dads, are really just that-protective and the embarrassing part might just have to tag along with that wonderful, wonderful trait.  Thank God "Nicole" had the kind of father she did.  He was a fighter!  No matter his physical shape, his social status, he fought for his family.  Way to go, Nicole's father.

I think this is the "biggest" lesson I'm taking away.  Plus that line that Mark or "David" says in the beginning of the film, "When something seems too good to be true, it often is."  Um, perhaps a resounding tchyeah.



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