Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wholesome Wheat

Hey!!  So my daddy works really hard for an airline and I would like him to come home to something delicious tasting!  He's a big chocolate fan and so I knew whatever I made, it should include chocolate.  And I had whole wheat flour in the pantry.  Thus, I looked among recipes for a whole-wheat chocolate chip cookie one and I came across, Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Cookies!
This recipe is by Molly, a woman who runs the site, Orangette.  It's a really fun blog!  I kind of combined this recipe and the whole-wheat cookie recipe on the back of the flour bag.

 I used honey instead of brown sugar and did 3 C of flour...OH!  And I refrigerated the dough for at least an hour before I baked them.  I read that this helps thicken them, and this is what saved these guys considering every other time I baked non-oatmeal cookies, THEY ARE FLAT CRISPS!  So, refrigerating the dough, is key for Kyla.  :-)  This is good stuff, guys!

Living thickly,
Miss Rae :*

Zzzesssttyy Lemon

Wooo!  Ow ow!  Alright!  I zested a lemon this morning.  *low growl here*  This is the emotion that comes from zesting lemons- it's just a fun word that makes it lovely.

This morning I have made Lemon Poppyseed Muffins.  I remember as a child loving these kinds of muffins; they would be brought home from the store, mini-style, and I can imagine rows of these muffins in their container placed in the center of our table.  But voila!, I can make them.  Thanks, Pam, at For the Love of Cooking.

** Perhaps next time I would use Greek Yogurt instead of Sour Cream because one tasted the Sour Cream.  And maybe more lemon juice.  MmMm  But they still turned out great!  :-) 
In Zest,
Miss Rae :*

Chapter 43

You're so right.  This is a baking blog, not necessarily a venting/writing blog.  True, but I'm not stopping myself.

I believe I have mentioned before that I am attracted to the Biblical book, Isaiah.  I opened up to it today and landed on Chapter 43.  It is so delicious that I would like to write the whole chapter out, but I don't think it would be the same.  The more I read the Bible, the more it fascinates me- I just wish I understood it better.  You know, the culture of the times and the symbolism and the literal language translations.  Sometimes I am shocked by what I read in the Bible because of how forward it is.   (Okay, Israel blatantly gets special attention- no secret in this, but why?  Just wondering...)
In verse 4 of chapter 43, the LORD comes right out and says, "Others died that you might live.  I traded their lives for yours because you are precious to me.  You are honored, and I love you."  God says straightforward that He loves them!

Now, what does love mean?  I have heard looked at the following websites to know more:
There should be a class about love in the Bible...there really should.  There is so much talk of it and has various forms!!

The next chapter of 44 looks really cool, too.  The chapter states that there is no other God.  Now this is interesting because I've heard the suggestion that all religions praise the same God, but just call Him a different name or recognize Him in various ways; many different Gods of nature or actions (Hindu or Wicca or Greek/Roman Gods) or they might call Him, Allah.  Could it be that all of these religions and more recognize and see the same God, but call on Him in different ways?  (

"Do not tremble; do not be afraid.  Have I not proclaimed from ages past what my purposes are for you?  You are my witnesses- is there any other God?  No!  There is not other Rock- not one!"  Isaiah 44:8

What do you think?  I don't want to get this wrong.
Miss Rae :*

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I completed my first duathlon last Sunday, July 10th at a little before 2 hours.  The race officially began at 6:30am.  My results:

71   478 Kyla Kindle  Hoffman Estates  15  F 
51   24:53  8:02    1:20  103 1:03:22 14.2  1:14   52   27:16  8:48 
Ha, whatever that means, right?  ;-)  I signed up for this race, semi-impulsively, when I picked a young 
gentleman up at a tennis/recreation center and I saw a sign for a Duathlon/Triathlon.  "Well, I'm not a 
fast swimmer, but running and biking...I could try this." 
*hey, side note; ever hear of Shawn McDonald?  I don't remember how I came across him, but the Holy 
Spirit works through him to make some really great music.  And he shares his testimony on his site, 
which is always a good thing to hear. :-)
Moreover, I signed up for this race and also completed it for my "21 b4 21" list.  I should share 
that another time. ANYWAYS, I think I just want to say that I was very intimidated when I arrived 
on the scene.  My mom, who was so thoughtful and encouraging the whole time, came with me. 
She dropped me off at the site and I walked my bike and I to the event.  It turns out real race bikes
don'thave cool bike does.  :-)  My mother claims to have seen people like me, who 
were doing the race as a first-timer, and who were also clueless, but it seemed to me that I was the most
awkward one there.  Haha!  No, really, it's okay to laugh.  :-)  Anyways, I'm really glad I did this and it 
was because of the encouragement I received from my friends at work the night before the race when 
I questioned if I should just sleep-in that day (;]), my mama who is like a mother bear, and because of 
God and how He wasgracious enough to complete the race with me!  It was a really cool experience-
I recommend it! 
Here are some goofy pictures. 
 woooooo, only the last 5k to go!
 yes, I have padded spandex on.

 I'm kind of a fruit cake.

thanks mom, for the photo shoot of your sweaty kid  ;-) 
Signing-off with Pslam 34 (did you know that David, from the Bible, pretended to be insane?
  huh, I wonder what that looked like),
Miss Rae :* 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Cooking with Parsnips

Roughly a week and half ago, I made delicious cherry-filled cupcakes with some stinkin' good frosting.  Then, my parents and a sister of mine escaped to a cute lil' cabin in MI for a couple of days.  When we came home- there were the same amount of cupcakes in the fridge!  A sister who stayed home, DIDN'T EAT ONE!  That goof.  Or moreover, she has stinkin' good self-control.  So I had to eat pretty much all of the cupcakes.  I bring this up because I need to stop baking sweet stuff so much because my family thinks I'm plotting to make them obese.  Therefore yesterday I made (they turned out yummy and my family ate them!  haha) "Thai Chicken Balls" from the recipe book, "Low-fat", by Homestyle.  Well, without the coriander (which I found out is cilantro) and with a yellow, "sweet" onion and not spring onions, and with jalapeno peppers.  THUS, I made them with some differences, but the chicken balls turned out great.  I'm warning you, people- the name of this food may be harmful for some, because a sister of mine giggles at the sound of it...

From the same recipe book, I'm currently trying to make "Roast Vegetable Quiche".  And I've made a number of goof-ups.  I'm using a butternut squash instead of a pumpkin or a winter squash, but that's what they had at the grocery story I went to, I baked the vegetables for an hour at 180 degrees F, when that was the degree number in CELSIUS and the degrees in Fahrenheit were in parentheses (how embarrassing), I got flustered because I didn't know how to measure 1 oz of ricotta cheese...and then my sister showed me the symbol on a measuring cup...Anyways, I'm just living out the ultra-simple and ultra-true advice that practice makes perfect.

I have some pictures. :-)

 So this is the recipe I followed.  I loved that the book gave me picture instructions, even though my version didn't look quite like theirs.  :-)  That's okay!
 I thought this was cute.  This is one of the Sweet Potatoes I used!  Doesn't it look like an animal?...
 Over-flowing with chopped vegetables and garlic
 Oh- this is our cat, Caramel (alter-ego name: Staci)

I hope I "grated" cheese right.  Did you know that cheddar cheese is only yellow/orange because of COLOR ADDITIVES?!  Yeah- cheese is supposed to be WHITE!   My Mama told me.

 Everything is ready for the oven...
My big mess.  I left it for a lil bit and when I came home I found everything cleaned!  My FATHER cleaned it for me.  He's a nice guy!
 Eeeeep!  Thank God!  My first quiche was successful!!!  :-D

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Signs, but not the movie, "Signs"

Please excuse my cheesy blog title.  I'm just trying to be witty!  And it doesn't come naturally, you see. ;-)

I have to write this down!  Today, Wednesday, I was buying ingredients for two recipes at the grocery store.  In the check-out line, I was reviewing my list of ingredients.  The following is important: On the back of the page, on the bottom, in the center was a quote from Donald Miller.  It reads:
"We get one story, you and I, and one story alone.  God has established the elements, the setting and the climax and resolution.  It would be a crime not to venture out, wouldn't it?"

Guys!  This is fascinating.  This quote relates to the message I have heard Donald Miller speak which is that of choosing to live life fully; God gave us freedom and specific interests and talents and He is praised when we go after them!  I read this quote, on my innocent, unintentional grocery-list piece of paper, and my mouth opened wide...God!!!  This is Your encouragement for me to go to the Honor Academy!  Isn't it?!  So now, God, we just need my parents on board because You've confirmed it, yeah?!  (Spoken still with question.  You know, I still don't that lamo?  Is this a severe case of Honor Academy confirmation?)

Anyways, I wanted a documentation of this potential route-confirming moment.  Btw, Axis ( had a really good speaker speak tonight.  His name is Josh Riebock.  His message will be on that site for anyone to listen to.  Seriously- I see Axis as a group of imperfect 18-20somethings who seek to be genuine and helpful in the pursuit of knowing Christ on Earth.  I recommend checking the place out:
               67 East Algonquin Rd, South Barrington, IL, 60010. Park in parking lot F and walk right in. The activity center is immediately on your left.

To God be the Glory!,
Miss Rae


I'm reminded of my first year of college at Olivet Nazarene University in Bourbonnais, IL.  I could write a lot about it- I could probably write a lot about anything, though.  But what I was thinking of just recently is my decision to join their Army ROTC program (Reserve Officers' Training Corps).  Classes had not started yet, but I was moved in and was attending the University's "freshmen welcome" programs.  Joining the military had been on my mind or at least joining ROTC where I could enlist in the Army and go to school, too.  But I was looking for confirmation, you see.  I remember scanning, I think it was the book of Psalms, for any verses that I could count from God saying, "Yes, Kyla, go for it.  This is what I want you to do."  I can not say I honestly received a confirmation from God that ROTC was the right route for me, but it was used as an incredible experience.  So why this memory comes to mind is because I'm wondering if I'm doing the same thing, the same "scanning-the-Bible-for-the-answer-I-want" kind of search.  I'm sitting on a rock, in a lake (figuratively ;-)), with North Park University on the left shore line and the Honor Academy on the right shore line (the right shore line is farther away with its location in TX, taken into consideration).  And perhaps I have my Bible propped open on my lap, sitting Indian-style, and I'm turning the book upside down and inside out looking for God to have scribbled the words, "Ky!  Go to the Honor Academy, baby!  I'll meet you there, girl!!!"  In my ideal vision, my friends from North Park and maybe the whole University is blowing me kisses, waiving, and sending me a blessing.  Because I like blessings.  I like leaving, I like changing, but I want what I am leaving to be okay with me leaving and "sending me forth".  :-) 

I would choose the Honor Academy if I was persistent in creating a movie-worthy life story (Don Miller inspired, a sermon off of his book, Blue Like Jazz).  But if I was to do the one where I would be praising God through anything and everything- then I would try to dutifully go back to college- North Park.

This shouldn't be this big of a deal, should it?  Why are these thoughts so heavy, then?  I'm going to cook...

Saturday, July 9, 2011


K, I gtg in like 12.5 minutes.  However I would love to type out this thought I have:  me, alone, meeting God.  There are many times in the Bible where it warns that each individual will be held accountable for his/her actions.  I think about this...and then I realize that I won't be looking around when this happens.  I don't know what I'll be looking at, but it'll be really incredible.  But just knowing that regardless of where this nation goes and what the people around me or the majority find acceptable or whatever, God's standard of righteousness does not change.  That thought was recently revealed to me- I'll be held accountable for my actions,  regardless of what others do.

Flipping through the Bible, the book of Zephaniah sang to me.  :)  My NLT Study Bible (love it) highlights the following verse:

"Beg the Lord to save you- all you who are humble, all you who uphold justice.  Walk humbly and do what is right."  Zephaniah 2:3

I'm going to go pick weeds!  :-)  Oh, and I got my nose pierced yesterday.  :-)
Thank You, Zephaniah (hmm, sweet name, right?),
Miss Rae

Be Near by Shane & Shane  (found this song on Honor Academy's website) 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Joshua & Cake

So I started to read the book of Joshua because of a church service I heard a couple weeks ago.  Man, there are always a bunch of arbitrary (learned that word in Jr. High!  Yeah vocab words) thoughts I want to share...ah.
Okay so Joshua.  I read today in the book of Joshua, Chapter 14, about this man named Caleb.  In verses 10-12, Caleb is telling Joshua how because of his positive report he delivered, 45 years ago, God had promised him a hill country.  "I am as strong now as I was when Moses sent me on that journey, and I can still travel and fight as well as I could then" (verse 11).  Isn't that crazy?  Caleb feels just as strong and capable of conquering a city as he did when he was 40 years old.  And today, 40-year-olds are "old and weak."  I should emphasize what Caleb says later.  "...You will remember that as scouts we found the Anakites living there in great, walled cities.  But if the Lord is with me, I will drive them out of the land, just as the Lord said" (verse 12).

"But if the Lord is with me..."

My Study Bible points out that this chapter is the fulfillment of a 45-year-old promise.  It asks the reader, "Would you honor a 45-year-old promise?  God would- and does."  It goes on to say that God is fulfilling promises today that he made centuries ago and some of his greatest promises are yet to be fulfilled.  "Let your faith grow as you realize how God keeps his word."  Okay...

Some other things I would feel better typing out.  One is that I feel disdain (yuck, this is so ugly) towards specifically women whom express a stronger, more committed, more embedded and real relationship with God, than I have.  This is very ugly of me.  I feel jealous and annoyed.  I want the connection they express with God, but I feel immediately out-of-touch and disconnected from the whole Christian faith.  This is not true and this is not good!  I don't know if I can/should acknowledge Satan's whispers in this area when this occurs or if it's not Satan, but just me and my dirt.  Can I blame things on Satan?  Either way, I don't want to feel that way.  I want to feel encouraged and inspired by my fellow women.  Ugh, it is so ugly- this occurrence within me.
I need help with my faith! 

Verb: Consider to be unworthy of one's consideration.
Noun: The feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect; contempt.
(Google Definition)

Also, I received advice yesterday that I didn't like.  :(  Gr.  Advice I don't like is so much harder to follow!  It was that I should stay in college and get a degree before stopping.                                               UUUUGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
I'm sorry to be so difficult!  I know college is an ENORMOUS BLESSING!  When the kind, thoughtful, helpful, loving woman told me this advice, it was like a stab at the heart.  (I know, I'm really good at being over-dramatic.)  Because when I think of going back to the same school, which is a delightful, great school, I feel like it's the death of a potential adventure.  I have noticed this condition inside of me that craves new experiences, places, conditions.  I have been to two different colleges and now want to go somewhere else again.  (My captive eye lies on the Honor Academy.)  While I know that it'll still be new and adventurous going back to my college this Fall because it's a whole new year with new things waiting for me- I feel torn.  I think of Don Miller telling me to live a life worthy of a movie script and I think- Go!  Change!
Okay, I need to end now.  I feel slightly better, getting some thoughts out.  Thanks... :-)

Black Forest Cupcake Pictures!  (Trust me, they are delicious ;) )
yes, this is me.  i was wondering if my downcast heart shown through a picture.  false alarm ;)  and I don't think it showed through the baking either.
(psst...this is me looking up the Honor Academy program)

it's a good thing the recipe called to melt these items in a pan.  or else I get lazy and use a microwave.  and so I am told, the microwave is a tool to bring the end of the world.  thus, i should stop being lazy.

the batter rises ;)  fill the tins up 2/3 or so

(ah!  the frosting part.  did I mention that frosting freezes over my soul?  I'm on a dramatic kick...what I mean is that making frosting/using frosting has not yet become a natural action for me.

Tripper & Shadow lying on the kitchen floor.

Black Forest Cupcakes, love Annie's Eats.
Kisses :*,
Miss Rae