Thursday, June 23, 2011

Baking Updates

Have I ever told you non-oatmeal cookies are consistently unsuccessful for me?  Did I also tell you that my mother has suggested she wants her nose pierced with me?  That doesn't relate to baking though.

A couple of days ago, I attempted to produce Triple Chocolate Cookies in hopes to please my father's dedicated appreciation for choc-o-late.  Fail.  Fail fail fail.  About two weeks before this incident I tried to bake normal, supposedly simple just, chocolate chip cookies- NO!  Ha ha, I thought this young gentlemen I was watching would like some of these traditional delights, but too bad his sitter made a sweet, flat, crispy cookie-wanna-be.  It's interesting because I'm quite close to having mastered chocolate chip oatmeal cookies.  I've been following my grandmother's recipe for those kinds of cookies for years (haha, I'm 19 yrs. old, what a large amount of years I have ;) ).  So what's up with this huge milestone of producing a successful batch of non-oatmeal cookies?! God is gently exposing the humor of my baking- the "issues" and successes.  :)

So my Triple Chocolate Cookies came out of the oven flat.  My delightful sister lovingly suggested we scrap them from the cookie sheets and re-mold them!  We were going to add flour if need be because that was one of the issues- the dough was "soupy".  However, we decided to not add more flour because the cookies that were half-baked seemed "full" enough to hold their own larger shape with the rest of the uncooked dough.  This is probably not interesting in the least, but I'm attempting to learn here.  So we made double-baked Triple Chocolate Cookies...which I still don't encourage because while the cookies came out not flat, they were harder than cookies should be...*sigh* I'll try a non-oatmeal recipe soon...

I did produce delightful chocolate chip oatmeal cookies after the above experience (I needed an ego-booster ;) ), as well as white-chocolate chunk brownies.  The oatmeal recipe is my grandmother's and the brownie recipe I used was,  I used SunSpire's semi sweet chocolate bar which really rocks.  I know the ghirardelli brand makes some rockin' chocolate, too, but Fair Trade is really important, you know?!

I made those brownies (yay!  success! thank you, Jesus) specifically for my sister's recent ENGAGEMENT!!!  That's correct, my sister's boyfriend of 3 years proposed on a beach in Florida just this past weekend.  Thus, when our family came together to welcome them home and have dinner together, they had brownies made for them- yay :)  I pray for blessings on their marriage, definitely.  Her now fiance is an answer to painful cries from other relational hurts and I'm thankful for their relationship and pray that divorce is never an option and they share a WONDERFUL life.  I also think it would be great if they did pre-marital counseling- that gig sounds like a lot of fun, to me, actually.  But besides being fun, I know it helps!  Praise Jesus!

Oh, and on the wedding note, the engaged couple suggested that perhaps, I could make the wedding desserts!!!  Say what?!  When my sister said that I was thinking, "What?  Are you crazy?  You want me to be in charge of perhaps the most memorable baking desserts of your life?!"   But on the outside, and also the emotion I am pursuing, is COOL!!!  LET ME PRACTICE!!!  hahaha- yes, let me practice.  Therefore, I should be posting and reviewing cupcake recipes until they are enthusiastically, emphatically, and particularly "perfect".  Conclusion: there should be a lot of pre-wedding (I have about a year ;) ) baking going on here.  =D

This is probably enough writing for one blog.  If anyone read this far- thanks, cool.  :)  For my writing, I'll make a new blog.
Kisses :*,
Miss Rae

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